Sexually Transmitted Disease Specialist

San Diego Urology Associates
Urologists located in La Mesa, CA & Chula Vista, CA
At San Diego Urology, Dr. Wilson offers La Mesa and San Diego area patients access to screenings and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. Patients can get the treatment they need to care for and prevent the spread of STDs in addition to education on safe sex practices.
Sexually Transmitted Disease Q & A
What is a Sexually Transmitted Disease?
Diseases which result from infections transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact or intercourse are referred to as sexually transmitted diseases. These infections are commonly called STDs when they start to present with symptoms. So, STDs are usually deemed sexually transmitted infections, or STIs before those symptoms present. It’s very common for people to use both terms to describe both stages of the illnesses. These sexually transmitted infections usually present without symptoms however. In some cases, symptoms only present months or even years after the disease has been contracted. Many STDs and STIs can be successfully treated however some may cause particularly serious problems and can even be fatal if not treated.
What Types of STDs are there?
There are several documented STDs. Unfortunately, they are common among many different individuals. Over 50% of all people in America will become infected with an STD or STI at least one time during their lives. Forms of STDs include:
- Gonorrhea
- Crabs, or Pubic Lice
- Chlamydia
- Genital Warts and Herpes
- Human Papillomavirus, or HPV
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, or PID
- Syphilis
- Scabies
- Hepatitis B
- Molluscum Contagiosum
- Trichomoniasis
Can These Be Prevented? What Type of Treatments Are There?
STDs can be prevented and a person can keep themselves safe by employing safe sex practices. These techniques and habits help people to greatly reduce their chances of becoming affected by a sexually transmitted infection or disease. If an individual has been in any situation which has put her or him at risk of infection, he or she can be tested at the doctor’s office. If positive, the person can undergo any treatments necessary and could stop the spread of the STD to a partner. Usually, treatments will involve a type of medication, typically an antibiotic prescribed by the doctor. In some cases, the infection or disease will not have a cure. The only way to prevent symptoms from these conditions is to avoid contraction of the illness.
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