Premature Ejaculation Specialist

San Diego Urology Associates
Urologists located in La Mesa, CA & Chula Vista, CA
Dr. Brown and Dr. Wilson are skilled in providing the most advanced treatment options for bladder cancer in patients at the La Mesa, CA, practice of San Diego Urology Associates, providing men and women from throughout the San Diego area with state-of-the-art options based on each patient’s unique medical needs for the best possible outcomes.
Premature Ejaculation Q & A
What is Premature Ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation is ejaculation which occurs when it is not intended either before or shortly following sexual penetration. It occurs with minimal sexual stimulation and prior to the man’s desires. It can result in a disappointing sexual experience for both people involved. This can increase anxiety which can contribute to the problem. It is one of the most frequent forms of male sexual dysfunction experienced.
What Causes Premature Ejaculation?
Most instances of premature ejaculation do not have an obvious cause. With sexual experience and age, men frequently learn to stop an orgasm from occurring before they want it to. Premature ejaculation can occur with a new partner, in only certain sexual situations, or if it has been a long period of time since the previous ejaculation. Psychological factors including anxiety, depression, or guilt can also contribute to it. In some cases, it can be associated with a medical condition such as hormonal issues, injury, or a side effect of specific medicines.
How is it Treated?
In several cases, premature ejaculation can improve on its own gradually. Employing relaxation techniques or employing distraction methods can assist a man to delay ejaculation. For some men, discontinuing or cutting down on the use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs can improve their ability to control ejaculation. The doctor can suggest that you and your partner practice specific techniques to assist with delaying ejaculation as well. For instance, you can learn to recognize and control the sensations which lead up to ejaculation and you can learn to converse with your partner to decrease or stop stimulation. Men can also try using a condom to lessen sensation to the penis. Different position during intercourse can also be helpful. Counseling or behavioral therapy can assist to minimize anxiety related to premature ejaculation. There are also gels, creams, and sprays which can be utilized to treat premature ejaculation by lessening sensation. These treatments are applied to the penis prior to sex. They include lidocaine and lidocaine-prilocaine. However, some of these treatments can affect the sexual partner and reduce sensation for the partner as well.
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